Tuesday, July 13, 2010

so bad its good

Everyone enjoys bad movies and tv. Most of the time its outright stupidity and wtf- ness just makes it all the more enjoyable. For example

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Yes, I know. Judge me all you want. But this was before the disaster that is Twilight was unleashed upon the unsuspecting public. You know. Before vampires became lame and annoying. Mainly the first 3 seasons are guilty pleasure viewing, with many an over sold line and rediculous plot turn. During the fourth season, this show actually got good. And even innovative, if you can believe it. I mean, check out the episode Hush, where there is no diolouge after about the first 7ish minutes, give or take. The whole thing was done set to a great score and actually achieved a level of creepiness. The movie its based on, however, is guilty pleasure viewing all the way.

The Star Wars Sequels...hell...even the originals when you think about it.
Even Natalie Portman couldnt save these movies. For those who dont know, I think Ms Portman is just plain awesome. V for Vendetta. Enough said. I like to pretend that the Phantom Menace never happened. Yoda was still a puppet, and the kid who played Aniken needed to be punched in the face and told never to stand in front of a camera again. Just sayin. For some reason I can actually stand Attack of the Clones, if only for its action. Again, Aniken just couldnt get his shit together. And the third one...well... my feelings are best summed up in Vaders final line of the movie.

Clash of the Titans.
My friends and I quite literally were skreaming WHAT THE FUCK? at the screen at the end of this terrible remake. There are so many laughable lines throughout this trainwreck, such as Hades declairing "You reek of your father". To which I told the people next to me "Thats what she said". This kind of movie can only be enjoyed with other people in the room. In order for the jokes you make at its expense to not sound sad and lonely coming from one person watching a terrible movie by themselves.

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