Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The 5 of us....and whoever else wants to come.

I have to coolest friends. Nobody else is going to care about this post, aside from a select few. But for those few, you guys are the best.

Ok, so we all ended up together because of this thing called the epic shift youth festival in little old Blyth. Arent we all glad we went? You know...along with the 5 other people who actually decided to come to the thing.

So, for some reason we all end up at your place every time we get together. This is probably due to the fact that you have a house the size of the white house, but also the fact that you deemed it the only place to hang out in Clinton. I mean, it deffinetly is.
1) Rooms for every occasion. Even a giant dining room for dinner parties. This is not even a joke. We are cool enough to have dinner parties.
2) A huge closet full of every movie. Ever made. So whenever we feel like a movie, you just look in the closet.
3) Bedroom with giant roof just outside the window. Hook up some ipod speakers in your room and we are good to go. Not only do we have dinner parties, we have picnics on the roof. Well, we did that one time. Most of the other time we just hang out on the roof and wave at people who walk by. And occasionally play a round of "Penis". You know, the usual stuff.

Never before have I drank so much tea with one person. This beautiful woman is a tea drinking machine. And has me hooked on the stuff like meth. First time I talked to Celtae she was wearing a Let It Be t shirt and was reading some dense novel. I decided we were friends then. That night she also decided to cheer for every performance by shouting SHELDON! We share a mutual respect for Trisha Takanawa, the Aisian reporter on Family Guy. I would never spend a day quoting Ms. Takanawa and yelling "WHY DONT WE JUST A DO IT IN THE ROAD" at one another with anyone else but Celtae.

Dude, you are kinda wierd. You know that? Also met this guy at the epic shift festival, and had only seen him like twice before at my own high school. He commented on how much he liked my velvet underground shirt, and again, i decided I was friends with this guy. We started this weekly thing called Marvelous Monday at our school. It involves showing up to school decked out in the most classy duds you can find. For me it usually involves suspenders. Hugh will always be the guy I share a matching red and white checkered shirt with. And the guy who wears it one the same day I do, just every so often. He also does a spot on re creation of Jaws while in the lake. Maybe you will be lucky enough to see it one day.
We are going to need a bigger boat, Hugh.

The guy with a sandwhich for a name. And the only guy I play endless round of Star Wars Battlefront 2 with. Reuben is an aspiring film maker, which is cool. He can cast me in his movies when I am broke and need a role in something...you know. So I dont have to result to selling my own plasma or kidney or something. He was also at the youth festival, and was very off put with Celtae's constant skreams of REUBEN THE MAN while he was working there.

The only one not at the festival. She shows up on occasion to watch us dance around on Scarletts front lawn, or to show us a youtube video of llama's or an old man weeping. Both of which I found beyond hillarious. I am constantly making her watch movies such as the Darjeeling Limited, or Donnie Darko. Most of which she just nods to and tries not to hurt my feelings when she doesnt like them. Its ok, Rachel. I understand. She is also a fellow theatre fanatic, and very mature for her age.
And the only person I know who wore lace gloves to school.

1 comment:

  1. well kind of. i just keep you around to see your reactions to the messed up stuff i do/say.
