Saturday, July 31, 2010

Arcade Fire: Pre- Suberbs.

I have spent much of the past few months awaiting the release of The Arcade Fire's third album: "The Suberbs". 4 or so songs have been leaked via the interwebs, with sites like youtube streaming them. I have listened to 3 of them, Month of May, The Suberbs, and Ready To Start. After listening to them I decided it would be best to not listen to any more before I can get my hands on a physical copy of this thing. Because those songs were gooooood. Real good. A complete jump from their debut album Funeral and its follow up, Neon Bible. Funeral was a masterpiece about death, moving on, and living life alongside all of that.At least, thats what I always get from this album. Neon Bible is their post modern freak show about life lived during a seemingly impedning apocalypse and everything that comes with it. Then these Montreal indie rockers took some time off to do their own stuff.

I am kind of in love. With all of them.

After a few years they are back with The Suberbs, something sounding very different. "Month of May" is a dancy rock song that is very cool to listen too, while still maintaining that Arcade Fire feel. At the moment we are just a few days away from its release, and as most of my friends will know, I am just pumped. A full on obsession with anything and everything this band releases is why. 2 albums isnt alot of work for a band as cool as these guys, but what they lack in quantity they more than make up in with quality. As lame as this sounds, its very true. Funeral has been on repeat on my ipod since the first time I heard it, and to a slightly lesser extent, Neon Bible. Funeral came into my life as a full album during alot of change going on all over the place, around the world and at school, everwhere else. It struck a very profound chord with me. Still does. Their live shows have become something of legends within indie circles and websites. These guys are cool, way cool. Violins, piano's, organs,mind blowing guitar, weird/crazy stuff going on onstage. The kind of music that seems to come out of nowhere.
A full on write up for The Suberbs is coming up, just as soon as I can listen to this thing.

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