Saturday, July 24, 2010

New Feature- Song of the Week

Neon Bible- Arcade Fire
So, aside from the fact that I am beyond obsessed with Arcade Fire, its kind of odd that I have been so into this song this past week. Its a very dark little song, the entire album is, really. I have been humming it all week. Its not that Neon Bible is a particularly catchy song, it has just been stuck in my mind.

Vial of hope and a vial of pain
In the light they both looked the same
Poured them out on into the world
On every boy and every girl singing

It's the Neon Bible, the Neon Bible
Not much chance for survival
If the Neon Bible is right

Take the poison of your age
Don't lick your fingers when you turn the page
What I know is what you know is right
In the city you see only light

It's the Neon Bible, the Neon Bible
Not much chance for survival
If the Neon Bible is right

Oh god, well, look at you now!
Oh, you lost it, but you don't know how!
In the light of a golden calf
Oh god, I had to laugh!
Take the poison of your age
Don't lick your fingers when you turn the page
It was wrong but you said it was right
In the future I will read at night

In the Neon Bible, the Neon Bible
Not much chance for survival
If the Neon Bible is true

its an obvious take on religion and what it means to people, which is something I have always been pondering. Cant say why this week was any different. Maybe I just had more time on my hands. Anyhow, this is my song of the week.

Song 2!
I Want you- Bob Dylan
I really like how Dylan phrases this song and the general feel of it. Too many songs have the same line "I want you" used to death, but this quick pace and clever, classic bob dylan lyrics, make it stand out. Whats more, Dylan is so geniune and legitimetly sells the feeling. Which is why I find it so catchy and fun to listen to.

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