Tuesday, July 13, 2010

movies to re watch. all the time.

To kick this whole blog off, I thought I would just...you know. Take the easy way out and just make a list. Everyone has a movie they can watch over and over. And then over again. Its a rainy day, you have nothing better to do than pick through your movie collection, and watch your old favourites. These are just a few of mine.

7: The Breakfast Club
"Clair is a fat girls name".
Do I even need to explain why you should see this movie, or why I am so obsessed? If you havent seen this movie yet, you probably have not been paying attention to any sort of pop culture in the past 20 years. I dont even know how many times I have seen this one. But once more deffinetly wont hurt.

I never tire of this movie. I still find it as funny and poignant as my grade 8 self did when it first came out. Diablo Cody's writing is still just as fantastic as the first time I saw it, and Ellen page will forever have a place in my heart as that cool, albeit pregnant, teenager who says rediculous and hillarious things. She was always the kind of person I thought i wanted to be, funny without trying, clever, and with a rediculous sense of style. Maybe thats why I was so into this movie in the first place.

5: High Fidelity.
Perhaps its my ability to apreciate John Cusack on a higher level than most, or perhaps its the banter of 3 elitist guys working in a rad record store, but for some reason I am just always up for watching this movie. I first saw it while on a Cusack kick, while trying to watch as many of his movies as i could find. Yes. It sounds obsessive. I am aware of that fact. Or maybe its the theatricality of Rob's constant monolouging to the camera. I dont know. All i know, is that I saw that movie last night for what must have been the 8th time at least.

4: The Lord of the Rings Trillogy
These actually count as 3 movies, i know. But at least 2 or three times a year I find myself watching them one after another. Usually not all in one day, although i have done so a few times while sick, but gradually through the day. These movies were a big part of my childhood, and i was a full on LOTR obsessive for most of it. A walking Lord of the Rings encyclopedia. How can anyone not be in love with these movies? The epic score, the kick ass battle sequences, the constant shots of Elija Wood looking terrified?

3: Where the Wild Things Are
Ok, most people are going to think I am kinda off for enjoying this movie on the level I do. I am constantly trying to get people to watch this movie, or talk about it with me if they have. It lacks a story line, but thats just part of the reason I love it so much. Its just a little kid in a wolf costume on an island with a bunch of talking monsters, doing random shit set to a score by Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeah's. Yes, the movie is unrealistic and never explains what the hell is going on and why, but I just love it all the more for that. Check this one out. Spike Jonze may be the king of the hipsters, but he does amazing work.

2: J J Abrams Star Trek
Can I just say how much I love this movie? Having never seen an episode of Trek, i went into this movie with an open mind and no expectations. And was very much blown away. The action is clean and beyond fun to watch, it is smart, very well written, innovative, and kept a firm hand on creating cool characters and character development throughout the thing. The special effects and rad space battles are what I always come back for, and this movie does not dissapoint.

1:Donnie Darko
This movie doesnt stike me as the kind a person could watch over and over again. But I am always trying to get people to watch this one, by either lending it to them or sitting down and making them watch it. If you havent seen Donnie Darko, its kind of hard to explain. Lets say its about a suberban teenager who is visited by a freaky looking bunny who tells him the world is going to end in a month or so. And everything that follows. Time travel, alternate universes, psychosis, and the mating habits of Smurfs are all explored in this movie. And I can never watch it too many times. Warning: Never ever ever watch the unofficial sequel, S Darko. The original director had nothing to do with this movie. Not only is it a horrid sequel that has nothing at all to do with Donnie Darko, its also one of the worst movies ever made. Do. Not. Watch.

1 comment:

  1. I have read 4 out of 7 of the movies you listed, and I agree with you about Juno. It is an AMAZING movie and Ellen Page is my hero. I will have to watch High Fidelity, Breakfast Club, and Donnie Darko sometime soon. I'll add them to my list of movies to watch. :)
