Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Song of the week times 4

Blog write up
Song of the week,
So its been a weird 3 or so weeks for me, and I cant really pick up just one single song for my song of the week. So this week you are all in for a thriple feature (Im such a giving blogger, I know)
1- All Delighed People- Sufjan Stevens
Sufjan doesnt really sample Paul Simon's The Sounds of Silence in clip form or anything, but does something really brilliant and sort of bases the entire song around it. "And the people bowed and prayed" chanted throughout the song, and somehow never manages to become tiresome. This was the song I happened to be listening to when I recieved the phone call that my dad was in his bike accident, so maybe it carries a little more emotonal weight for me than most Sufjan songs. While the basis of the lyrics mostly remain the same, the song really does feel journey like, if that makes any sense. Coming in at about 11 minutes, the song is a full on emotional adventure. Maybe I am making it into something more than what it is, but this song has always been able to get a very emotional response out of me. Its intensly beautiful and personal, really. Check this one out, if you havent already. And even then, check it out again.
Dog Days Are Over- Florance and the Machine
This song has become a hit, which is pretty cool. I am not sure how popular this band is, but I think I saw them performing on some ABC show weeks ago, I dont remember what it was, but its cool to see music like this become popular. Main stream doesnt always need to mean terrible. Anyhow, this song is very epic, for lack of a better word. For me its a song about being brave and taking control over your own life, maybe thats not what Its about at all, but thats what I always get from the song. That message really hits me, its something I have been silently pondering as of late. This song has been on heavy rotation on my ipod this week, its really just a beautiful song to rock to if nothing else.
A Call To Apathy - The Shins
The shins have a way of just nailing those feelings we all have, my teenage relsesness and over self examination have found a home with this band. I dont know if that last sentence made sense to you guys, but it did to me. These guys get it, and this song does too.
Chicago- Sufjan Stevens
I dont know if this has made my list as of yet, but at the moment I have no internet connection and no way to check. I got to see this song performed as one of Sufjan's last during his Massey Hall performance in Toronto, and it was like a religious expiriance. That guy is so pure sometimes, and this song really is. "All things go, all things go" is really a mantra, especially the way mr Stevens uses it in this song. A six minute epic that has the power to evoke some pretty stong emotions from its listeners. In me, at least. This song always makes me think of letting things pass when they need to, and about finding something new in my own life. And about how beautiful those things can be. Again, maybe thats not what he was going for, but its what I always get from it. This song really is beautiful, if you want something to really feel to, check this one out.

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