I dont know if I have talked about this movie as of yet on here. For those who dont know me, Anchorman is a movie I could reenact from begining to end, no problem. Its the kind of movie where every line is instantly quotable, even things that arent even lines. (For example, Brick's hillarious look towards his banana while people are talking about him. Hugh Lobb, I am looking at you) Most of the diolouge in this movie was improv, so the most rediculous things are said throughout.
Pineapple Express
I am aware of how stupid this movie, but how gloriously stupid it is. The first time I saw this movie it was with two friends who were madly in love with it, and we were all in the mood for something rediculous. We actually watched this one with Anchorman. Seth Rogan is in both, if only for a second in Anchorman. They go very well together, lets just say.
South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut
Its south park. Its a musical. Its completely uncensored. It has characters such as Satan, Sadam Husein, and a giant clitorus. Do I even need to say anything else?

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