Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mix Tape- Filmy

So I know people like to make playlists and mix tapes, but I thought I would put a little spin on it and make some movie ones. As in, movies to marathon to. Movies that work well together, check it out:
Action Night

The Dark Knight.
This is an obvious choice. Mainly because its one of the best big films to come out of the last few years. What Nolan did was truly exceptional, really balancing the noir style of the Batman graphic novel "The Long Halloween" and its themes of what makes a hero, where people draw their lines,etc, with a sleek modern action movie kickassness.Its a term.
Star Trek
Graaaaah....JJ Abrams, you crazy man, you. This is the best update on an old franchise in a very long time, perhaps rivaled only by The Dark Knight. The action is beautiful, the CG just a joy to behold. He added to the mythology of the Star Trek universe by taking its origins and taking them in a new direction, setting it off into an alternate universe. He is not tied down by the continuity of the original series by some very cool plot twists he decided to throw in to this movie.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Yes, Harry Potter. The magic thrown around in this movie is really fun to watch. Harry trains up some students to begin a rebellion, and the final half hour or so is the best the series has done as far as action scenes. Both the beginning of this movie and end are thrilling to watch, there is a Dementor attack, then a huge battle in the Ministry of Magic. Death Eaters get blown up, shit gets hexed and cursed all over the place.
The cult classic Firefly tv series got the sleek looking finale that it deserved. The ship from the show finally got the big look it lacked from the show, and all the fight and space scenes for the big blockbuster treatment. Its so much fun to watch, and really satisfying for anyone who loves the TV show.
Kick Ass- Buckets of blood, not to mention the fact that most of the ass kicking comes from a little girl vigilante named Hit Girl. she bounces off the walls like most kids, except with the help of swords and guns. The final battle scene in this movie is so beyond epic. Kick Ass himself doesnt do a whole lot of ass kicking compaired to Hit Girl, but is still a very cool hero. A great addition to the list, very funny and clever.
Sin City- This movie is a graphic novel put on film, simple as that. Sin City is gritty to the max, with body parts being blown up and faces being shot all over the place. This is deffinetly a movie that would be fun to do in a marathon with friends. Like I said. Faces. Shot. Boom. Clive Owen+ Rosario Dawsom+ Hooker Army= yesss
enjoy yourself some action movie fun, bloggers

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