Thursday, November 18, 2010

Comics for you

So here is a list of comics/graphic novels I really do think you should take a look at.

Batman: The Long Halloween.
This one was the basis for The Dark Knight. A killer is on the loose, known only as Holiday. He strikes his victims on holidays, and Batman is on the case. The art in this graphic novel is beautiful and very stylistic. Almost all the Batman make an appearance in this one, even at the same time.

Watchmen: This one is just obvious. Alan Moore may be slightly psychotic, but he sure as hell knows how to make a great graphic novel. This one is pretty famous, I really dont know how to describe it in a way that gives it justice. Its beyond deep, very intricate and compulsively rereadable.

DC Trinity
A graphic novel trilogy, uniting Superman, Batman, and Wonderwoman. It starts with the three thwarting weird magical terrorism, and concludes in its third part with a galactic war with the three with the power of gods.
You know. The usual stuff.

Marvel Civil War Series: I have only read a few entries to this series, but it is very cool stuff. When a school gets blown to hell by a hero gone bad, the public demands that Superhero's register themselves and unmask. They want them under governmental control. So the Marvel hero's need to take sides. Then shit goes down all over the place.

Enders Game: The classic sci fi story, and Orson Scott Card's magnum opus, was made into a monthly issue comic book. At the moment I only have three (the only three I could find) in my collection, but I am constantly trying to expand upon it. A movie version of the book has also been stuck in pre production for years now. What is great about the comics is how Ender is still the nearly psycho child killer he was in the book. The movie version really wont be able to capture that in the way that the book did, so its cool to see it intact here. The style its done in is very cool, too. The book takes place far in the future, and the comics seem to have updated what we would possibly see in our own future. After all, the book was written in the eighties.

The Umbrella Acadamy
Created and written by My Chemical Romance's front man Gerard Way, the series has as of yet made 2 series. Both have been released in collections. And I have heard that in the future there will be another series out. Probably not any time soon, seeing as MCR drops a new album this coming week. Its about a team of children with superpowers, adopted and raised to be superheros. The story takes place following the death of their father, after the team has been broken up for years. Lets just say they didnt grow up to be the most well adjusted adults. They are so much fun to read, beautifully illustrated, and delightfully dark.

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