Sunday, October 10, 2010

Things I could not care less about: I get cynical

Who is competing/ Won the latest batch of trash reality television competition.
American Idol...and all the other shows in Fox's revolving door of reality shows. I mean, come on guys. People care more about this shit than the thins that are going on in their own country. "Who wants to marry a hobo! Tune in next week for even more drama and intrigue. Will Hobo Dan kick his paint sniffing addiction? Will Gold Digger #2 poison #5's morning martini? All this and more, next week!" I have lost my ability to tolerate this anymore.
I really, really, really, really, really, just dont care. In any sense of the word.At the moment I am failing my way through grade 11 math, which I do not actually need for anything after highschool, but only to graduate. I dont see myself using triangles and graphs to the extent I have in this class in my normal life. Or at all,really. I find it hard to care about how to calculate the area of a triangle. As much as I try. (Secret: I dont try)
Your Diet.
Your on a new diet you say? You cant eat gluten? Thats so interesting. Does the lady at the health food store give you a discount per smug smile you give every time you talk about all the foods you "dont" eat?
The fact that you play guitar, and yeah, you write your own stuff.
Come on, guys. Everyone plays the guitar. This does not make you an artist. Just because you can throw together G, C, and D chords and some awkward rhymes about how troubled your post adolescent suburban life is, does not make you the next John Lennon. Now, actually being able to rock a guitar and making some kick ass poetry to go along with it, maybe we can actually take you seriously. You however, cant. The minute you sell yourself as a brooding, thoughtful emotional type, everyone can smell your bs. Guys pull this sort of thing all the time. Mainly to bang girls who think they will be all sensitive to their needs. Hint- Trying to be a musician just for the look, and to sleep with chicks, is the exact opposite of that.
Check out my friend Nathan Carrol's work: He is the legit thing. All you posers could learn a thing or two from his work. (This is me promoting friends work, by the way. New Ep. Hit him up for a copy, if you happen to know him.)
The fact that your parents wont pay for your stuff.
Get a job, princess.

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