Its funny to watch this movie, followed by a quick facebook check up. It seems to me like we live in a time of constant self observation and analysis. The Social Network is a look into a very big part of our society as it is: social networking.
It follows the story of the origin of facebook, and all the conflict that came with its creation. Yes, Justin Timberlake is in this one. And yes, he is a very talented man. I dont know anyone who can sing/dance/ entertain the way that dude can. But he really just plays himself in this one. Which is fine, I suppose. Jesse Eisenburg plays a very shrewed and meticulous Marc Zuckerburg, very successfully. He really does come off as a pretentious asshole. But a funny one. He is the main character, with the most sympathy really going towards Eduardo Saverin (with a very nice performance by Andrew Garfield, the future Peter Parker, whaaaat?)Saverin basically got screwed out of his rights to facebook after putting a lot of time and money into it. The whole thing is shot rather beautifully, with lots of sweeping walking shots, and very autumnal hews and a sleek looks.

Speaking of which: the trailer for the Deathly Hallows played before the movie started, which I have been avoiding like no other.I am the sort of person to avoid movie trailers to enhance the movie experienced when I finally do see it. Call me elitist, I dont care. For some reason, Warner Brothers chose to show the climax of the book in the trailer, as well as 2 harry potter vs Lord Voldy that I am convinced never actually happened in the book. But they looked cool as hell anyhow. Have you guys seen the posters for part one? "Nowhere is safe" is the tag line. Epic. The movie looks like a huge step sideways for the franchise, with a very modern look and feel to the way the movie is shot and created. Very modern in a way. Now I am going to have to deal with my pumped-ed-ness for these two movies.
Dude I really wish you'd watch the second harry potter trailer, all I will say, SO EPIC. Anyway no one can be as pumped as I am for this movie!