Saturday, October 23, 2010

back again

Hello Readers
Yes, I have not been updating these past weeks, 3 or so, something to that effect.
Most of that time was spent feverishly attempting to finish my play, which I did.
Now all we have to worry about it gutting the thing and building it up into an actual play. I play a dead sarcastic weirdo. Should be a good time.
As of a week ago (just a few hours ago) my dad got into a collision on his motorbike, messed himself up pretty gross. So this past week has been completely filled with hanging out at the hospital with him, going to school, work, and driving. Lots of driving. Which has left no blogging time.
So while I am here:
Song of the Week: All Delighted People, Sufjan Stevens.
Got to see this guy live last week. Mind blown. People have been bitching about his latest album, The Age of Adz, but I loved it. He performed his new stuff, both that album and his surprise EP "All Delighted People" and then finished the night with 3 or 4 classics. I have not been able to get this song out of my head all week, both in its beauty and its content. It is an homage to the sounds of silence by Paul Simon and takes lines directly from it. It came into my life during a really weird week. And I think that has alot to do with my new found obsession with it.

Coming Events: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1
Currently have the final Potter book on my reading pile, its what I like to call comfort reading. Things have been shitty lately. Reading Harry Potter is like comfort food...for...your eyes? Bad Simile. I have been avoiding the trailer, and have yet to even watch either of them. These are the last 2 movies, (really just one extended movie) so I want it to be fresh going in.

Reading Pile
Like I said, the Deathly Hallows. And due to an english class ISU project:
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The World According to Garp
they are both supposed to be life changing shit, know. Here goes.


  1. "I want it to be fresh going in. "

  2. fresh as a daisy.
    just for you, Liese. just for you.
