Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Social Network

Its funny to watch this movie, followed by a quick facebook check up. It seems to me like we live in a time of constant self observation and analysis. The Social Network is a look into a very big part of our society as it is: social networking.
It follows the story of the origin of facebook, and all the conflict that came with its creation. Yes, Justin Timberlake is in this one. And yes, he is a very talented man. I dont know anyone who can sing/dance/ entertain the way that dude can. But he really just plays himself in this one. Which is fine, I suppose. Jesse Eisenburg plays a very shrewed and meticulous Marc Zuckerburg, very successfully. He really does come off as a pretentious asshole. But a funny one. He is the main character, with the most sympathy really going towards Eduardo Saverin (with a very nice performance by Andrew Garfield, the future Peter Parker, whaaaat?)Saverin basically got screwed out of his rights to facebook after putting a lot of time and money into it. The whole thing is shot rather beautifully, with lots of sweeping walking shots, and very autumnal hews and a sleek looks.

Speaking of which: the trailer for the Deathly Hallows played before the movie started, which I have been avoiding like no other.I am the sort of person to avoid movie trailers to enhance the movie experienced when I finally do see it. Call me elitist, I dont care. For some reason, Warner Brothers chose to show the climax of the book in the trailer, as well as 2 harry potter vs Lord Voldy that I am convinced never actually happened in the book. But they looked cool as hell anyhow. Have you guys seen the posters for part one? "Nowhere is safe" is the tag line. Epic. The movie looks like a huge step sideways for the franchise, with a very modern look and feel to the way the movie is shot and created. Very modern in a way. Now I am going to have to deal with my pumped-ed-ness for these two movies.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

back again

Hello Readers
Yes, I have not been updating these past weeks, 3 or so, something to that effect.
Most of that time was spent feverishly attempting to finish my play, which I did.
Now all we have to worry about it gutting the thing and building it up into an actual play. I play a dead sarcastic weirdo. Should be a good time.
As of a week ago (just a few hours ago) my dad got into a collision on his motorbike, messed himself up pretty gross. So this past week has been completely filled with hanging out at the hospital with him, going to school, work, and driving. Lots of driving. Which has left no blogging time.
So while I am here:
Song of the Week: All Delighted People, Sufjan Stevens.
Got to see this guy live last week. Mind blown. People have been bitching about his latest album, The Age of Adz, but I loved it. He performed his new stuff, both that album and his surprise EP "All Delighted People" and then finished the night with 3 or 4 classics. I have not been able to get this song out of my head all week, both in its beauty and its content. It is an homage to the sounds of silence by Paul Simon and takes lines directly from it. It came into my life during a really weird week. And I think that has alot to do with my new found obsession with it.

Coming Events: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1
Currently have the final Potter book on my reading pile, its what I like to call comfort reading. Things have been shitty lately. Reading Harry Potter is like comfort food...for...your eyes? Bad Simile. I have been avoiding the trailer, and have yet to even watch either of them. These are the last 2 movies, (really just one extended movie) so I want it to be fresh going in.

Reading Pile
Like I said, the Deathly Hallows. And due to an english class ISU project:
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The World According to Garp
they are both supposed to be life changing shit, so...you know. Here goes.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Things I could not care less about: I get cynical

Who is competing/ Won the latest batch of trash reality television competition.
American Idol...and all the other shows in Fox's revolving door of reality shows. I mean, come on guys. People care more about this shit than the thins that are going on in their own country. "Who wants to marry a hobo! Tune in next week for even more drama and intrigue. Will Hobo Dan kick his paint sniffing addiction? Will Gold Digger #2 poison #5's morning martini? All this and more, next week!" I have lost my ability to tolerate this anymore.
I really, really, really, really, really, just dont care. In any sense of the word.At the moment I am failing my way through grade 11 math, which I do not actually need for anything after highschool, but only to graduate. I dont see myself using triangles and graphs to the extent I have in this class in my normal life. Or at all,really. I find it hard to care about how to calculate the area of a triangle. As much as I try. (Secret: I dont try)
Your Diet.
Your on a new diet you say? You cant eat gluten? Thats so interesting. Does the lady at the health food store give you a discount per smug smile you give every time you talk about all the foods you "dont" eat?
The fact that you play guitar, and yeah, you write your own stuff.
Come on, guys. Everyone plays the guitar. This does not make you an artist. Just because you can throw together G, C, and D chords and some awkward rhymes about how troubled your post adolescent suburban life is, does not make you the next John Lennon. Now, actually being able to rock a guitar and making some kick ass poetry to go along with it, maybe we can actually take you seriously. You however, cant. The minute you sell yourself as a brooding, thoughtful emotional type, everyone can smell your bs. Guys pull this sort of thing all the time. Mainly to bang girls who think they will be all sensitive to their needs. Hint- Trying to be a musician just for the look, and to sleep with chicks, is the exact opposite of that.
Check out my friend Nathan Carrol's work: He is the legit thing. All you posers could learn a thing or two from his work. (This is me promoting friends work, by the way. New Ep. Hit him up for a copy, if you happen to know him.)
The fact that your parents wont pay for your stuff.
Get a job, princess.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

a few more of my favorite things

Cookie Doh
Yes, the cookies that come from them are the best. But making your own cookies and you know...eating some of the cookie doh for yourself is even better.
Hand Socks
Basically gloves made from socks, with room for your fingers cut out. Very cozy.
Random Articles about random things. Always good when you are in the mood for something to read, but you dont know what.
TV Channel Websites that stream their shows for free.
Missed your favorite show? Check it out online, while you do your homework. Yeeah.
Breakfast food is just good all day long.
Nothing like getting your giant mop of hair all cut off and having it be all short again.
I really like toast, ok?
Watching bad movies and doing nothing but make fun of them.
And replace its soundtrack with very inappropriate songs.

Monday, October 4, 2010

"These are a few of my favorite things"

No explanation needed. Cats are the best things ever.
Comics/Graphic Novels
In elementary school I was the sort of kid who would read comic books at recess rather than actually doing any sort of physical activity. Soccer?Who needs that shit? The Flash is doing some cool stuff over here.At the moment I am burning through the final installment of the Trinity trilogy from DC. Not to mention Watchmen, or V For Vendetta. If you have yet to check these out, do it now. Hardcore stuff, but very worth the read.
None of that reality tv stuff. Im talking Six Feet Under, Lost, Arrested Development, Community, South Park, The Office. The good stuff. I need to see good writing on the ground floor, or I bail. At the moment I am watching the final season of Lost (again) and have am working through the first 2 seasons of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia, which I got on a whim. Dear lord. You need to see this show.
John Lennon
The fact that a big portrait of the man is currently hanging above my bed may just go to show how much I respect him.
I enjoy adding dvd's to my movie collection. Far too much of my money is spent on that collection, but its always nice to be able to just pick a movie at random to put on while reading some comics, or doing homework. Or to be able to lend to anyone who needs them.
"wait, you have never seen The Breakfast Club? Wait here, Im getting my copy."
I enjoy myself a good pair of socks. Argyle, Striped, waffle pleated, wool. My lovely friend Scarlett even brought me home a pair of Beatles socks all the way home from London.
All Smokey and smelling of flowers and spices. You are the best, Incense.