Friday, July 22, 2011

s- s- summer.

It is currently the 22nd, most of the way through the first month of summer break.
Needless to say, had I better things to be doing I would not be sitting here on blogger.
But! I am OK with the fact that most of the time I don't have shit to do, and therefor get to hang out at home doing whatever the fuck I please. For a lot of people that is a total privilege. I haven't done as much as I wanted to. Or see all the people I would have liked to. My writing habits have been.... erratic. But goddamn have I read like a motherfucker.
Reading list thus far:
The Catcher in the Rye
Hey! Nostradamus
Cats Cradle
Will Grayson Will Grayson

with a whole lot more on the way. At the moment I am feeling rather unmotivated to read. So I am watching a movie called "Paper Man."
I am a movie-going sort of person. With the amount of time off I have been afforded (I call it afforded, to make it seem as if I had earned it) I have been to quite a few movies. List thus far:
In a better world (Best Foreign film winner at the oscars this year. Intense shit.)
The Hangover Two- I was asked to go see it with people. And in case you are wondering, it is the Hangover...just in Bangkok.
Horrible Bosses- Actually great cast. Good fun.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2- Pretty much...
UPDATE- I just made a blanket fort. That should fill my spontaneity quota for the day. Woooh.
Beginners- Ewan Mcgreggor is a charming motherfucker. This movie was really beautiful. The only place showing it was in Waterloo, so my friend Marina and I took a trip down to do a double feature with:
The Tree of Life- Speechless doesn't even begin to cover it. I spent the whole night up thinking about the film. Fuckballs it messes with your head.
Bad Teacher- Boredom makes you go see very bad movies. I didnt really need to see Justin Timberlake dry humping Cameron Diaz. But now I have. It was fun, though.
so there are some of the movies that killed some time I would otherwise be bored in. Plans for the rest of the summer-
Being in a musical.
Working weekends
Trying to stop putting on weight. I have the sinking suspicion that all this sitting around interneting has had its repercussions on my body.
Fucking around Clinton.Trying to not go insane. Maybe doing something interesting now and then.
This week I pulled in all nighter that ended up being a marathon of Arrested Development, Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Sponge Bob, and Boy Meets World.
I am going to stop writing now. If you know me, call me. We will talk.

1 comment:

  1. yay blanket forts!!
    CURTIS you prolly haven't put on any weight at all. stop yo worryin' fool.
    no, you call me! we can talk about the bitchy girls and how being here is turning my brain to mush and making me want to punch people!! :D
