Friday, March 11, 2011

5 Reasons going to Hogwarts would be shitty

1- Lack of education.
Yes, its a school. I get that. But students enroll at the age of 11, and from then on they learn exclusively about magical lifestyles. Not math, not English. Meaning most of them are going to be pretty dense about nearly anything going on in the Muggle world.
2- Constant threat of death
If its not the death eaters trying to blow the school to hell towards the end of every school year, its the magical creatures trying to eat your arms, or even your soul (if you are a Dementor.) Not to mention the dangerous classes being taught, as well as the fact that every person in the school carries around a loaded weapon they are being trained to use. Piss off the opposing Quiddich team? Hexed in the face.
3- Its constantly at the center of Wizarding Battles.
Harry vs Voldemort was probably not the only wizard feud to ever happen at the school. Like I said, everyone carries around weapons 24/ 7. Pretty sure magic battles go down all the time for next to no reason. Trying to get to your next class only to find yourself in the middle of two bitchy witches feud over a hot wizard. Not your problem, but guess what? They just transfigured you into a sheep. How does that feel?
4- The stairs move, uncontrollably, might I add. I am going to go out on a limb and say there is probably some sort of punishment for being late to class. Using the excuse that the stairs moved on you may be believable from a wizarding standpoint, but it will still probably land you in detention for not showing on time.
5- An entire house consists of dark wizards. Being trained to use magic. In some cases, by other dark wizards.(spoiler) Snape was on Harry's side in the end but he was also a death eater. Dark wizards training dark wizards. Meaning you will have to study with and contend against evil little sons of bitches. Learning is fun, kids.

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