Tuesday, September 7, 2010

So much life. So much high fidelity.

Well hello there, dear readers. All zero of you. It would seem that I am back. Back sitting at my computer with nothing to do but write this blog. (This is of course, a lie. I have far too many things to be getting done right now instead of writing this.) But all the same. I am here. My first day of grade 11 came and went. It was the kind of day that told me all about how the rest of this year is going to look.
Law Class. Oh dear god. I may just go insane and kill things in that class. We will just have to wait and see.
Comm Tech. This class is filled with people who actually know what they are doing, and are very talented with computers/videos/photography and such. Just like last year, I will scrambling to get my work done and figure out what is going on.
English- Same English teacher 3rd year in a row now. Luckily I can actually stand the guy, even enjoy his classes. Crazy, I know. He got everyone (well, some of us) involved in an existential sort of societal observational conversation, starting by showing us a picture of Charles Manson next to Martin Luther. It just sort of went from there.
Math- Sweet Jesus. Same math teacher as last semester. The one where I went from a 60 to 50 upon her arrival as teacher. On the plus side, I did fill out a mandatory questionnaire with very ridiculous answers and a fake name. Thats always fun.
So why have I been absent all this time from the blog o sphere? Well...if you are reading this you already probably know. This past month I was part of a new musical called Alligator Tears written by a brilliant young woman named Britta Johnson. Give her a year or two. You will be seeing her name all over the place. By place, I mean Broadway or somewhere just as spectacular. Trust me on this one. Anyhow, we had 3 months to get this 2 hour ish musical on its feet. The first week was spent with about half the script, with many different script readings and introducing the newbies to this crazy new thing called Theater. Week two was trying to put the show on some very tentative first legs. Stress was all over the place as the deadline for opening came closer and closer. For some reason we got our shit together (after a day's extension) and had a so so opening night, to a sold out house. As the show ran through the week we got better and better. On closing night we hit a level of awesome like never before. Its a shame we couldn't run any longer than we did. So thats what I did. I got to live out my musical theater dream for a month, which was cool.
I worked weekends, saw some crazy awesome shows, spent a day in Toronto with some very cool people, shopped in Kensington Market, a rad comic store with a half off sale (half off an amazing selection of comics and graphic Novels. yeeah) Saw a free Morning Benders concert, took in some very cool music, met some wonderful people, as well as some old friends, came to some much needed conclusions, and had the time of my life. So there is that. I have totes my goats neglected my weekly Song of The Week blog. Its going to be back.
So, stuff I have coming up:
Putting together a show for the Sears Drama Festival, writing it/ directing it and all.
Filming the film I wrote with my friend Scarlett, fellow blogger.
Shooting videos with my production company Sheldon and Friends Film Co.
Dealing with High School. Lame city.
Updating this thing
Another musical in October, or something like that.

Shit like that.


  1. I wish we had had 3 months to work on Alligator Tears...
    also, YAY for Sears!!

    your commtech class is waaay more legit than ours, lol. Ours is mostly people who want an easy class, and a few people who actually want to do filming and animation and stuff like that.

  2. whats wrong with Law?? i liked that class a lot

