Monday, August 9, 2010

The Suburbs: Song by Song

The Suburbs
This song gets it: "sometimes I cant believe it, Im moving past the feeling."
Its deffinetly one of Arcade Fire's faster beat kind of songs, very guitar heavy, but with some very cool orchestra stuff going on in the back.
Ready To Start: I Think this one may be my life anthem at the moment. "If the businessmen drink my blood/ like the kids in artschool said they would/ then I geuss i'll just begin again" The line: "My mind is open wide, Now Im Ready To Start" is one of those lines that sums up my life at the moment. I am so fucking ready for something. Ready to start.
Arcade Fire has a really cool way of taking emotions everyone feels and putting them in a totally new way. This is a prime example.
Modern Man: Arcade Fire also has a way of making their actual music less like instuments being played, and more like an actual emotion. This one is sort of weary, but with a faster tempo. To me this one is about how fleeting and confusing modern life can be. Perhaps this is an oversimplification, but I find most of their music difficult to put into words. Side Note: Fantastic build up in this track.
Rococo: About youth, I believe. The music reminds me of that feeling of standing still in my highschool with everyone else storming by. "Lets build it up just to burn it back down" is a very apt way to describe this society. Plus, the violin in this song is devine.
Empty Room: Fuck. I dont even know with this one. The opening violin= oh so much yes. Owen Pallet is all over this song, which is always a cool thing.
"When Im by myself I can be myself, and my life is coming but I dont know when"
Always reminds me of sitting in my room, reading comics and listening to Belle and Sabastian. Waiting for something cool to happen. This song deffinetly has that lonliness factor to it, but with so much more. A sort of acceptance of that, if not celebration.
City With No Children: Regret, and waiting for something bad to happen. War, if nothing else. Thats what I always get, anyhow. Another example of the music striking a very emotional chord. These guys are not heavy on the specifics of Suburban life, rather the emotional journey and expiriance of it. I think this song is about watching people leave your life. But thats just my take on it.
Half Light 1: Aghhhhh, another song that gets to me. I think this one is about self discovery and that time in a life when you just begin to see the world as a more complex, huge place. Going out with friends and seeing the world in the dark.
Strange how the half light
Can make a place new
You can't recognize me
And I can't recognize you

Half Light 11 (No Celebration)
I take this one to be about seeing the world, and watching as it is eaten up. About finding a new home, and finding that nothing feels new or beautiful. What gets me: "One day, they will find us long gone." Something I have felt for a very long time, and something this song nails on the head.
Suburban War: Weary, again. And very self aware. I take this one to be about growing up and seeing your life change before your eyes, and your friends leave and change too.
And now the music divides
Us into tribes
You grew your hair so I grew mine
They said the past won't rest
Until we jump the fence and leave it behind
Month Of May: About the music scene, if nothing else. And how it and its people have evolved to something that is far beyond art and artists. "Now the kids are all standing with their arms folded tight
The kids are all standing with their arms folded tight
Now some things are pure and some things are right
But the kids are still standing with their arms folded tight. Very dancy, too. Also sort of...streamlined, perhaps? It gets at its point with a select choice of few words, and is very fun all at the same time.
Wasted Hours: That feeling of spening time with no point at all, and feeling as if you are wasting your life. Arcade Fire does it again with this one, celebrating that time and those feelings, almost finding the positive in them.
Deep Blue: Endings and beginings happening all over your life. Thats what I get.
We watched the end of the century
Compressed on a tiny screen
A dead star collapsing and we could see
Something was ending
Are you through pretending?
We saw the signs in the suburbs
We Used To Wait: Feels like remembering how life used to be, with little hints at how it has changed since, and how difficult it is to hold onto something meaningful. Its interesting to note the amount of times the word "pure" shows up in their music,in all 3 albums. Its something people look for, and never really find.

Sprawl 1(Flatland)Finding something that is yours, or something to hold onto. Slower, heavy in world wearyness.
Sprawl 2 (Mountains Beyond Mountains) This song is about me. No question. We are not even going to debate this one.

The Suburbs (Continued) The first track continued, fading into and end. Not really offereing up any sort of conclusions other than that its time to step out into the night, and find whatever life has in store for you.

This album.
So. Good. And changing my life as we speak.

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