Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Song of the week Sept 29

Goodbye Blue Sky- Pink Floyed
Obviously you need to listen to the wall album as a whole, but this is my favourite track of the album by far. Its very beautiful and haunting. Opens with the voice of a little British boy talking. Creepy stuff. Then it gets very odd. It gets even creepier if you watch the scene from the film version.
did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter
When the promise of a brave new world
Unfurled beneath a clear blue sky?
That line in itself is pure poetry, but the way they work it in with the music is just brilliant.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Song of the week sept 19

In the New Year- The Walkmen
These guys excel in making music that hits and emotional chord and sounds very epic, while rocking at the same time. Just got into this song and I have a feeling that it is going to be in heavy rotation this coming week. Hence the song of the week this week.
Today was maybe my third listen over, what I am getting from it thus far is sort of a relationship that is about to end, and how time effects everyone. But thats just what I was picking up. If you have yet to check these guys out I would of course recommend you do so. This week is going to be heavy on the Walkmen when i am in the mood for something intense.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


So, I think its about time I posted about Fringe. For those of us who are not tv/ sci fi dorks, Fringe is a tv show about a small group of people who investigate a series of strage occurances that fall under the catagory "fringe science". Olivia Dunham, FBI agent, Walter Bishop, mad scientist, and Peter Bishop, roped into the show to look after his insane father. While it may seem like a CSI type show, its far from it. Each occurance begins to lend itself to some sort of pattern, and each begins to seem connected to each of the characters on the team. The show was began by JJ Abrams, creator of Lost. I adore this man, I dont even know what to say. Everything he touches turns to gold.
While it may seem that this show operates on a "monster of the week" basis, its not usually the case. Its a bit like buffy the vampire slayer in its use of both moster of the week, coupled with some very cool "special" episodes, such as a musical one, taking place in an alternate universe. The show has never been the biggest ratins grab, the production quality is exceptional. And after their secnd season's cliffhanger finale i hope they can bring in a few more viewers.
Whats so great about the show is how falwlessly intricate it is. Not Lost levels of complexity, thank god. But it has its own mythology very well worked out. The character development is second to none, as well. Rather than keeping everyone the same rigid character to keep the show consistant, they play off the relationships of the characters, and show how they are all connected in ways they didnt even know.
This show is intense, clever, very intelligent, and pretty goddam epic.
I know where I am going to be one week from now. Watching the hell out of Fringe's season 3 finale.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Song of the Week, Sept 13

Its back! My short lived weekly feature shared with Great Big Pants: song of the week. Not that anyone cares that it was gone for so long or anything. This weeks song is:
Burning Pile: Mother Mother
First time I heard this song i couldnt help but smile. Its one of those songs that can sort of make you feel just a little better about any given situation. Not to mention that Mother Mother is one of the coolest new bands on the scene at the moment. They are clever, just a little bit epic, fun,and very accessible I find. This song is sort of about saying fuck it all, and not letting your problems and issues take a hike. Which is something we all need to hear about from time to time. Lyrics:
All my style, all my grace,
all I try to save my face,
all my guts try to spill,
all my holes try to fill.
All my money been a long time spent,
On my drugs, on my rent.
On my saving philosophy, it goes:
one in the bank and the rest for me.

It goes:
All my troubles on a burning pile,
all lit up and I start to smile.
Live up,
Catch fire then I change my aim,
Throw my troubles at the pearly gates?
Oohh.. oh oh oh..
oh.. oh oh oh ohhh..
Ohh oh oh..
My my my lonely maid,
Renaissance man,
sailed away and he never came back again.

All my troubles on a burning pile,
all lit up and I start to smile.
Live up,
Catch fire then I change my aim,
Throw my troubles at the pearly gates?
Ooohh.. ooohhh...
oohhh you won't be ...
I said all your troubles,
you don't need a thing.

All my troubles on a burning pile,
all lit up and I start to smile.
Live up,
Catch fire then I change my aim,
Throw my troubles at the world again!

It goes:
All my troubles on a burning pile,
all lit up and I start to smile.
Live up,
Catch fire then I take my turn,
to burn and burn, and burn and buurrnn..
Bahh bah bah bahh..

at least thats my take on the song.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

So much life. So much high fidelity.

Well hello there, dear readers. All zero of you. It would seem that I am back. Back sitting at my computer with nothing to do but write this blog. (This is of course, a lie. I have far too many things to be getting done right now instead of writing this.) But all the same. I am here. My first day of grade 11 came and went. It was the kind of day that told me all about how the rest of this year is going to look.
Law Class. Oh dear god. I may just go insane and kill things in that class. We will just have to wait and see.
Comm Tech. This class is filled with people who actually know what they are doing, and are very talented with computers/videos/photography and such. Just like last year, I will scrambling to get my work done and figure out what is going on.
English- Same English teacher 3rd year in a row now. Luckily I can actually stand the guy, even enjoy his classes. Crazy, I know. He got everyone (well, some of us) involved in an existential sort of societal observational conversation, starting by showing us a picture of Charles Manson next to Martin Luther. It just sort of went from there.
Math- Sweet Jesus. Same math teacher as last semester. The one where I went from a 60 to 50 upon her arrival as teacher. On the plus side, I did fill out a mandatory questionnaire with very ridiculous answers and a fake name. Thats always fun.
So why have I been absent all this time from the blog o sphere? Well...if you are reading this you already probably know. This past month I was part of a new musical called Alligator Tears written by a brilliant young woman named Britta Johnson. Give her a year or two. You will be seeing her name all over the place. By place, I mean Broadway or somewhere just as spectacular. Trust me on this one. Anyhow, we had 3 months to get this 2 hour ish musical on its feet. The first week was spent with about half the script, with many different script readings and introducing the newbies to this crazy new thing called Theater. Week two was trying to put the show on some very tentative first legs. Stress was all over the place as the deadline for opening came closer and closer. For some reason we got our shit together (after a day's extension) and had a so so opening night, to a sold out house. As the show ran through the week we got better and better. On closing night we hit a level of awesome like never before. Its a shame we couldn't run any longer than we did. So thats what I did. I got to live out my musical theater dream for a month, which was cool.
I worked weekends, saw some crazy awesome shows, spent a day in Toronto with some very cool people, shopped in Kensington Market, a rad comic store with a half off sale (half off an amazing selection of comics and graphic Novels. yeeah) Saw a free Morning Benders concert, took in some very cool music, met some wonderful people, as well as some old friends, came to some much needed conclusions, and had the time of my life. So there is that. I have totes my goats neglected my weekly Song of The Week blog. Its going to be back.
So, stuff I have coming up:
Putting together a show for the Sears Drama Festival, writing it/ directing it and all.
Filming the film I wrote with my friend Scarlett, fellow blogger.
Shooting videos with my production company Sheldon and Friends Film Co.
Dealing with High School. Lame city.
Updating this thing
Another musical in October, or something like that.

Shit like that.