Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The People's Key

So new Bright Eyes album. Wow. I really enjoyed it. Yes, Connor Oberst is not always subtle, and the ideas running through this album are pretty obvious, the way the band goes about is is really cool. Its like they took what worked from Digital Ash in a Digital Urn and We are nowhere and Its now and made themselves a new album. Really cool stuff, check it out!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

while I catch my breath

Hello Dear Readers! Yes, it has again been quite a long time since I updated this littleblog of mine. Needless to say, I have been rather busy. Directing two plays at the moment,(ok co directing one, thankfully) while acting in both. So, there is that. Two weeks ago (or something like that) exams were in full swing and stress was all over the place. Now I have new classes, work, plays, and life to deal with. Anyhow, here is what I have been doing between all that.

So I finally saw this John Cusack thriller after the universe seemingly not wanting me to. It felt very short, maybe thats just because it was so engaging. I dont want to give you too much detail on the thing because its a bit of a mind fuck. Its a murder mystery, with quite a twist. Looking for a good intense kind of movie? Check this thing out.

One of those movies everyone is surprised to hear I have not seen. Or at least, they told me to check it out. So I finally did. And yeah, quite fun. Obviously, Jesse Eisenberg was great. I dont know how you cant like that guy. And Woody Harrelson. I feel as if I have never seen the guy before, and within the last 2 months I have seen like, 4 movies with the guy in them. I also find Emma Stone horribly charming. Really looking forward to seeing her in the new Spiderman Reboot. Which also has Andrew Garfield. Both of whom have worked with Jesse Eisenburg. Woooah. Six degrees up in here.

Nick Hornby
Obviously you can see I am a fan of the guys work, but as of late I have been really into it. I go through phases with authors. In grade nine I was really into Douglas Coupland, last year it was Terry Pratchett, and I can feel a full on Hornby kick coming on.

The New Decemberists Album
So folksy. So good. I was sort of worried when I heard they were channeling some country music vibes for this one. But its really more of a modern folk sort of thing. And its super epic.

Psychedelic love, their two albums are fantastic dancey epics you should really check out. I am more partial to their first album, Orracular Spectacular. Every tack on it is so intensely listenable.

The National
They just came out with their last album last year I believe, High Violet. While the first few tracks are just alright, everything past them is really beautiful. "Lemon World" is becoming one of my top songs at the moment. I found this album took more than one listen to really get into. The lead singers voice takes some getting used to. I find it sort of a Bob Dylan Lou Reed combination. My friend Hugh doesnt see it, but its what I think of when I hear him.

Everyone should watch this show. I kid you not. Probably the best comedy on the air right now. I have been obsessed with it since it started, so this is really more for a list of top fives or top tv, but still. Its airing weekly at the moment so I am on a full on community trip as of late.

The Shins
When am I not into the Shins?

ok so I should get off the internet, see you next time I can!