Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rudolph the red nosed reindeer was actually filled with assholes.

Everyone has seen the ancient stop motion Christmas special "Rudolph the red nose Reindeer." 'Its a nice story about a special little flying reindeer that went on an adventure and saved Christmas. Good old fasioned family fun, right?
Not so much. Watching this movie as an adult, I have realized just how messed right up this story is.
Point the first.
After he is born and his super awesome lazer nose is seen for the first time, Donner, (who is Rudolph's father in this epic) gets super pissed and smacks him in the nose with some soot to cover up his fatherly shame. Not exactly father of the year.
I mean, getting hysterical over a personal oddity of a newborn child and blaming it is pretty ignorant and fucked up.
Great start, movie.

Meanwhile, Hermy the elf gets bitched at because he does aspires to be a dentist. For some reason the elves dont have health care. Considering the amount of candy all over the north pole, I am pretty sure the elves could have used some decent dental care.
Those elves are going to have some brittish ass teeth going on over there.
On a related note, the elves work in a little shanty while Santa Clause lives in a giant castle, working his elves like slaves.
When Rudolph shows up at flying practice he totally kicks ass. When his weird nose thing gets knocked off and his glowey red nose goes all WHUM WHUM WHUM. like a freaking lighsaber. The instructor freaks his shit and tells all the deer to exclude Rudolph from any of their reindeer related activities. Call me crazy, but I want my people in charge a little more objective, you know? Outright telling everyone to shun someone based on some nose glow is pretty mean. Santa himself shows his true dickish colors and tells Donner that he should be ashamed of himself. Your damn alien sperm, Donner. Giving everyone a weird red glow. Santa does not approve.
Rudolph runs away, and when his parents go to find him, Donner tells his wife "no...this is mans work."
Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick move.
Later when they do find him and that prospector guy kicks the bucket the narrator gets pretty sexist.
"They all agreed the best thing to do was get the women home."
It seems the women are able to locate rudolph but not anything else. Its true. Women reindeer are fragile creatures, its common knowledge. They really should get home to make pie and babies. If they dont, who will?
Then Santa shows up again, this time to convince Rudolph to lead the sleigh in a deadly Christmas eve gift giving spree. Only for his light.
He may hate you for your ungodly Satan nose, but doesnt mind using you in a near death winter expedition.
Winder wonderland creatures are assholes. Lesson learned.
yay Christmas!

Friday, December 10, 2010


2010 in Movies

So this may not be the most original kind of posting, but i find it necessary. This is my list of the past year in movies. Maybe not all new releases, but the ones that made an impression on me.

Obvious choice, I know. This movie blew everyones minds. What was so great was how unexpected it was. I made a point to avoid the trailer, and even the stuff that was released was super vague and mysterious, as I found out later. I had high expectations for Nolan's newest work, and they were so way exceeded.
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1
This one was really satisfying, as both a life long Potter fan and a film goer. The action was great, and even the performances (very lacking in previous entries) were fantastic. It showed some things not seen in the original story, and tweaked and added things to stuff that did happen. Both of these were actually really cool to see. The most different of the whole franchise, very lord of the rings.
Kick Ass
Another movie that took me by surprise. Currently watching it for the second time this week, showing my dad its epicness. I had no idea just how insane this movie was going to be. The action is probably some of the best and most engaging I have ever seen. When the guns start going and the fists start flying, its not in a typical action movie sort of way. This is not a car chase sort of action movie. I didn't even want to blink when I was watching this. Its clever, funny, and so much fun to watch.
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World
This movie is a geek's wet dream. The whole thing is shot like a video game/ comic book. The soundtrack was just delightful and obsessively listenable. I have never sat in a movie theater and just smiled in delight and anticipation for a whole movie. With this one, I so did. Even the opening credits were brilliant. I have seen it only once and I am really itching for another viewing. I can see this one being on heavy rotation in my dvd player.
The Social Network
Already did a posting about this, but I found this movie cool to see when I saw it because of the fact that was produced in the midst of the social networking craze.
more to come, trust me.